Friday, March 28, 2008

Money is the "Trump" Card

Money trumps character. That was the message "The Don" sent to the world last night on the season finale of "Celebrity Apprentice" (shameless plug for WTHR/NBC). Piers Morgan was nasty, dishonest, and impossible to work with throughout the entire season- not exactly the best attributes for attracting and keeping customers in the business world. And yet, he raised a lot of money for charity. Contrast that with Trace Atkins. He was a solid leader, full of creative ideas, respectful, and refused to play the high school games the others were engaging in. Which business philosophy did Trump reward? You guessed it. Piers raised more money. Piers wins.

"What good will it be for a man if he gains the whole world, yet forfeits his soul?" Matthew 16:26

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Conscience of a Conservative

It's official...I don't care who wins the presidential election. There, I said it. Anyone who knows me understands how difficult that is for me to accept.

Yesterday, I watched Senator McCain give a foreign policy speech that scared me more than the thought of running into Amanda Overmeyer at the Arni's in Frankfort. Allow me to recount the highlights (or lowlights depending of your point of view).

First, all foreign policy decisions will be subject to the approval of the French, the Germans, and the United Nations. Second, the United States needs to apologize for being strong and prosperous. It's just not fair. Third, global climate change is our fault and we need to ruin our economy to stop it. Fourth, we need to close the Guantanamo Bay detention facility and stop being mean to terrorists. It's just plain mean. Fifth, we need to unilaterally disarm our nuclear arsenal. This makes about as much sense as Wyatt Earp trying to clean up Tombstone by setting a good example for the outlaws and laying down his gun first. Finally, McCain said that Mexicans are "God's children too." I did not know this before the speech. I will be sure to inform the IRS that I too am a child of God when I inform them that I will no longer be paying taxes.

Can anyone say, "general feeling of malaise?" Time to bring back the misery factor and look forward to "Morning in America- Version 2012."