Thursday, May 15, 2008

Operation Chaos

Much has been said lately about Republicans who are deciding to vote in Democratic primary elections in order to keep the Democratic presidential race between Clinton and Obama alive. Rush Limbaugh has advised his listeners to do just that in what he calls "Operation Chaos."

As I was listening to Senator McCain this morning, I was reminded that "Operation Chaos" actually started long before the Clinton/Obama catfight heated up. It started when President Bush chose not to "anoint" a successor. In leaving the field wide open, Bush prepared the way for the various Conservative factions of the Republican Party to back different people. Social Conservatives tended to back Huckabee. Economic Conservatives tended to back Mitt Romney. Strong-Defense Conservatives tended to back Rudy Giuliani. This paved the way for a small number of political "moderates" in the early Republican primaries in liberal states like New Hampshire to highjack the nomination of our party's candidate and give us John McCain. By the time we voted in Indiana, the damage was irreversible.

I continue to listen to Senator McCain. I want to believe that his vision for our country is better than the others. Unfortunately, he continues to disappoint. I have stated before and I will state again, November 5th, 2008 will be a national day of mourning for Conservatives, no matter who wins.