Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Al Qaeda or Al Gore

I just read an interesting tidbit from the Associated Press. Apparently, Al Qaeda has embraced the "global warming" fad.

That's right, Osama Bin Laden's #2 man, Al-Zawahri, "spoke on a wide range of issues, even global warming, which he said reflected ‘how criminal, brutal and greedy the Western Crusader world is, with America at the top.’ He predicted that global warming would "make the world more sympathetic to and understanding of the Muslims' jihad against the aggressor America."

There you have it. Another Al Qaeda endorsement of the left-wing liberal view of the world. America is evil (wars of aggression, torture, racism, ruining the planet, etc.) and therefore must be destroyed. Author, Dinesh D'Souza suggests this connection in his new book, "The Enemy at Home." He says that the Left is largely responsible for the anti-western ideas that feed organizations like Al Qaeda in the Islamic world and that culminated in 9/11.

Back to the AP article, was that Al Qaeda or Al Gore? I'm confused.

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